We Understand Your Needs

The Gulf Coast Partnership is here to support you.

We recognize the selfless dedication you put into serving others. This page provides all the tools, documents, and trainings you need to provide exceptional service in one easy place. If there is something you need that isn't here, please contact us at admin@gulfcoastpartnership.org.

together we
can learn

Enhancing Service Delivery Through

Landlord Engagement
Homeless Prevention
Labor and Sex Trafficking
Emergency Shelter
Rapid Re-Housing
Coordinated Entry
Street Outreach
Domestic Violence
Disaster Response
Landlord Engagement

Introduction to Landlord Engagement

Landlord engagement means finding, recruiting, working with and retaining landlords. Landlord engagement requires planning and preparation which takes time and commitment.  Program providers should take the time to develop a landlord engagement strategy with coordination and cooperation of all agencies invested in the community’s housing programs. Consider this process a long-term investment in the success of your “Housing First” model.

Tools & Documents

Comprehensive Assistance
Click to download Roommate Questionnaire
Important Documents
Click to download Housing Inspection Request Form
Homeless Prevention

Introduction to Homeless

Homelessness Prevention is designed to prevent an individual or family from moving into an emergency shelter or living in a public or private place not meant for human habitation. Services generally consist of short-term and medium-term tenant-based rental assistance, rental arrears, rental application fees, security deposits, advance payment of last month's rent, utility deposits and payments, moving costs, housing search and placement, housing stability case management, mediation, legal services, and credit repair.

Introduction to Youth

Risus sapien facicisis purus at molestie et, sed rhoncus diam. Corbi leo, pellentesque ante metus. Leo, odio vulputate at id nunc. Sed amet ultrices urna convallis odio mattis.
For more information or to schedule a training, contact 941-626-0220 or admin@gulfcoastpartnership.org
Coming Soon!!!
More tools coming soon!

Introduction to Diversion

The Diversion Program works to prevent homelessness for individuals seeking shelter by helping them identify immediate alternative housing arrangements and resources that are available to them. It connects individuals to their natural supports and offers assistance with educational, employment, health and other services.

Tools & Documents

Click the links below to access available Diversion tools.
Labor and Sex Trafficking

Introduction to Labor
and Sex Trafficking

Labor and Sex Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of debt bondage of slavery. Through collaboration and awareness we can obtain resources to assist long term stability and assist in rebuilding their lives
For more information or to schedule a training, contact 941-626-0220 or admin@gulfcoastpartnership.org
Coming Soon!!!
More tools coming soon!
Emergency Shelter

Introduction to Emergency

Emergency shelter means any facility, the primary purpose of which is to provide a safe temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness in general or for specific populations, such as youth or persons fleeing domestic violence. Emergency shelters do not require occupants to sign leases or agreement of occupancy.
For more information or to schedule a training, contact 941-626-0220 or admin@gulfcoastpartnership.org
Nunc, mi enim mauris scelerisque lorem. Lobortis natoque maecenas ornare est. Id leo semper sit feugiat ipsum nulla.
Nulla lectus est diam commodo massa convallis. Fusce nunc, volutpat pellentesque pharetra gravida elementum. Nisl sed non neque magna vitae.
Rapid Re-Housing

Introduction to Rapid

Risus sapien facicisis purus at molestie et, sed rhoncus diam. Corbi leo, pellentesque ante metus. Leo, odio vulputate at id nunc. Sed amet ultrices urna convallis odio mattis.
For more information or to schedule a training, contact 941-626-0220 or admin@gulfcoastpartnership.org
Coming Soon!
More tools coming soon!

Introduction to CIS/HMIS

A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) or Community Information System (CIS) is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. Each HUD Designated Continuum of Care is responsible for selecting a software solution that complies with HUD's data collection, management, and reporting standards.
Nunc, mi enim mauris scelerisque lorem. Lobortis natoque maecenas ornare est. Id leo semper sit feugiat ipsum nulla.
Nulla lectus est diam commodo massa convallis. Fusce nunc, volutpat pellentesque pharetra gravida elementum. Nisl sed non neque magna vitae.
Coordinated Entry

Introduction to Coordinated

Coordinated Entry helps people access the services they need through a standardized process. Coordinated Entry defines prioritization, program matching guidelines, and monitors referrals to housing and services to ensure individuals gain access to the services most appropriate for them.
For more information or to schedule a training, contact 941-626-0220 or admin@gulfcoastpartnership.org
Coming Soon!
More tools coming soon!!!
Street Outreach

Introduction to Street Outreach

Those who experience homelessness have a variety of complex issues that incite the need for specific forms of care. As such, street outreach is challenging work. There are multiple governmental and non-governmental agencies that have sought to engage in this work because of the understanding that unhoused people tend to have increased barriers to accessing traditional services. Street outreach comes in different forms, from people walking around carrying supplies or offering resources, to mobile health clinics with teams of medical volunteers driving around and offering services. Regardless of its form, the essence of street outreach is the desire to meet people where they are at, build deep trust and connections, offer support, and reinforce the human dignity and respect that is deserving of all people. The core elements of effective street outreach include being systematic, coordinated, comprehensive, housing-focused, person-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive, as well as emphasizing safety and reducing harm. The Street Outreach is designed to build relationships between outreach workers and youth who are unsheltered. Services include education, outreach, access to emergency shelter, survival aid, counseling, information and referral, crisis intervention, and follow-up support.
For more information or to schedule a training, contact 941-626-0220 or admin@gulfcoastpartnership.org
Coming Soon!
More tools coming soon!
Domestic Violence

Introduction to Domestic Violence Services

Labor and sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of debt bondage of slavery. Through collaboration and awareness we can obtain resources to assist long term stability and assist in rebuilding their lives.
Tortor elit tellus elementum aliquet donec viverra metus mauris elit. Lacus adipiscing ipsum diam luctus odio aliquam. Sed tincidunt egestas erat.
Nunc, mi enim mauris scelerisque lorem. Lobortis natoque maecenas ornare est. Id leo semper sit feugiat ipsum nulla.
Nulla lectus est diam commodo massa convallis. Fusce nunc, volutpat pellentesque pharetra gravida elementum. Nisl sed non neque magna vitae.
Disaster Response

Introduction to Disaster Response

The Gulf Coast Partnership facilitates Charlotte County’s Community Organizations Active in a Disaster (COAD). The COAD works to help Charlotte County residents during times of hardship and disaster.  Agencies and organizations work together all across Charlotte County to keep our community safe and healthy. For more information about the work of the COAD please visit www.COADFL.org.
For more information on available trainings, contact Deb Houck, Long-Term Recovery Director at 941-769-5162 or LTR@gulfcoastpartnership.org
Disaster Response


Next Steps
For more information on available trainings, contact Deb Houck, Long-Term Recovery Director at 941-769-5162 or LTR@gulfcoastpartnership.org

Tools & Documents

Comprehensive Assistance
Risus sapien facicisis purus at molestie et, sed rhoncus diam. Corbi leo, pellentesque ante metus. Leo, odio vulputate at id nunc. Sed amet ultrices urna convallis odio mattis.
Web Presence
Tortor elit tellus elementum aliquet donec viverra metus mauris elit. Lacus adipiscing ipsum diam luctus odio aliquam. Sed tincidunt egestas erat.

Introduction to Veterans

The Gulf Coast Partnership facilitates our community’s Community Organizations Active in a Disaster (COAD). The COAD works to help Charlotte County residents during times of hardship and disaster.  Agencies and organizations work together all across Charlotte County to keep our community safe and healthy. For more information about the work of the COAD please visit www.COADFL.org.
Tortor elit tellus elementum aliquet donec viverra metus mauris elit. Lacus adipiscing ipsum diam luctus odio aliquam. Sed tincidunt egestas erat.
Nunc, mi enim mauris scelerisque lorem. Lobortis natoque maecenas ornare est. Id leo semper sit feugiat ipsum nulla.
Nulla lectus est diam commodo massa convallis. Fusce nunc, volutpat pellentesque pharetra gravida elementum. Nisl sed non neque magna vitae.

Tools & Documents

Comprehensive Assistance
Risus sapien facicisis purus at molestie et, sed rhoncus diam. Corbi leo, pellentesque ante metus. Leo, odio vulputate at id nunc. Sed amet ultrices urna convallis odio mattis.
Web Presence
Tortor elit tellus elementum aliquet donec viverra metus mauris elit. Lacus adipiscing ipsum diam luctus odio aliquam. Sed tincidunt egestas erat.